Chicago demands the best, if you don't produce good results you might as well leave town. Who will coach Chicago next season? Unlike the past decade no one wanted to come coach Chicago because of their lack of talent. The difference now is you have a young team full of talent between Derrick Rose, Luol Deng, Joakim Noah and with summer free agency, a good shot at having an all-star like Dwayne Wade, Joe Johnson, or Chris Bosh. Personally there a few guys that come to mind that I would like to see coaching the Bulls. (Avery Johnson, Maurice Cheeks, or Byron Scott)
Of all the people available could we maybe see Avery Johnson who led a team to the NBA Finals back in 2006? He seems like an ideal candidate. The Chicago front office scares me. Within the last 10 years we've made terrible trades, had less than spectacular coaches and done little with our high draft picks up until 2008 with Rose. Let's hope they can get it right this time around. We are closer than ever to bringing rings back to Chicago.

Bulls Suck!